Safety Manual

With the constantly changing laws and regulations regarding workplace safety and workers’ health, a glazing contractor, owner, or manager cannot stay up-to-date and in compliance without the assistance of a professional in this field.

To address this province-wide industry need, the Ontario Glass & Metal Association has teamed up with the Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) to create an OGMA/WSPS Health & Safety Manual tailored to the needs of companies in the glass and architectural metals field.

Most companies know the importance of maintaining a safe environment in their fabrication facilities and in the field, and many have programs in place to address their safety needs. Where these homegrown programs fall down is in their documentation and diligent record-keeping. In the event of a workplace accident or when facing a “Workwell Audit”, the only defence a company can offer will be in the form of the records they keep of their safety policies, their safety and procedures training records, and their routine follow up that their policies are being followed. Without this documentation, the economic consequences of a serious accident could be devastating. This is where the OGMA/WSPS Health & Safety Manual proves its value to the glazing contractor.

The program provides the glazing contractor with:

    • Policies and procedures that will assist OGMA members in meeting legislative requirements.
    • A WSPS consultant will carry out a Hazard Assessment of the work location. A completed Hazard Assessment Report and Executive Summary will be provided that outlines significant risks.
    • A Violence Risk Assessment based on violence risk factors will be completed by a WSPS Consultant and a Violence Risk Assessment Report and Executive Summary will be provided.
    • An Implementation Plan for the Health and Safety Program will be developed.
      WSPS will provide ongoing coaching and guidance to assist in implementating the Program for OGMA members.
    • Safety procedures for every tool and piece of equipment used in their facilities.
    • SCIP training – WSIB incentive program, led by WSPS consultant.

For example, On July 1, 2014, Ontario Regulation 297/13 took effect as part of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) under the heading “Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training.” Also, the “Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act” (AODA) legislation was enacted by the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Employment & Infrastructure in 2005 and will be enforced in phases through 2025. WSPS will be able to guide you through a myriad of issues and requirements like these that you’d never be able to keep up with on your own.

Health and safety are paramount to the success of every Ontario business and our industry is no exception. The Ontario Glass & Metal Association recognized the need for an affordable solution to meet our membership’s needs. To join the OGMA/WSPS Health & Safety Manual program, contact OGMA President Steven Ringler at

Health & Safety Training

WSPS is offering the following training programs:

Click on the links above to find out more.