OGMA Newsletter – February 2017

OGMA Newsletter – February 2017

In addition to continuing to champion the interests of our industry in pursuit of Prompt Payment legislation and changes to the Ontario Construction Lien Act, the OGMA has a lot to offer its members coming up in 2017. Please mark the following event dates in your calendar and plan to attend.

In case you missed it, companies had until the end of 2016 to put accessibility policies and procedures in place for the communication of all of your information and your employment practices.  To find out your legal obligations, go to ontario.ca/page/accessibility-laws, then contact WSPS to help you put it in place.

On Thursday, January 19, 2017 at the Richmond Hill GC, Geza Banfai, a member of the advisory group to the Ontario CLA review team, presented a captivating discussion on the changes being proposed to the Construction Lien Act, the benefits of the changes to our industry, and how this new law will affect our businesses in the future once the legislation has been enacted.

At our Spring Seminar, Sergei Mihhailenko, P.Eng and Les Szcepanski, P.Eng. will be presenting an informative talk on the application of the new CSA A500-16 Building Guards standard that will soon be adopted into building codes across Canada governing the use of glass in railings and balustrades.  The lunch-and-learn will take place on Wednesday, April 12 at the Richmond Hill Golf Club.  The OGMA extends its appreciation to our co-sponsors for this event: Trulite Glass and Aluminum Solutions and Kuraray America.  Please see Frank Fulton’s You Bet Your Glass column for information about the new standard.

Come and visit us at the Top Glass show on Thursday,  April 20.

OGMA members have had nothing but rave reviews for the Pipers Heath Golf Club so we’re going to be holding our spring golf tournament there again on Thursday, May 25. Watch out for the flyer and make sure to book early. It’s always a sell out.

Back by popular demand, plan on attending our annual fishing derby in August. Watch your mail for details.

The OGMA will once again hold our fall golf tournament at the prestigious Country Club in Woodbridge on Thursday, September 21.  Mark your calendar now.  Details will follow as the date approaches.

Protect your business and support our fight for prompt payment legislation by becoming a member or as an associate member if you are a consultant to the industry.  Please visit the OGMA website for more information.

After a year of preparation, the safety manual is now ready for use by the metal and glass industry.  The manual was created by qualified health and safety professionals and is a timesaving tool enabling glass shops to establish their own company program. Not only will this support a company’s efforts to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses, it will also lower costs and time related to WSIB claims. Additionally, WSPS and the health and safety manual will get your company compliant with the new OHSA Regulation 297/13 as well as AODA requirements.

– Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, January 2017 Issue.

Understand Your Lien Rights

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this said over the years: “The owner didn’t pay me for the job so I slapped a lien on the building. At least I’ll get paid someday when he tries to sell it.” WRONG! At our winter seminar, Geza Banfai, Counsel with McMillan LLP, set the […]

Write Your MPP to Drive Home the Prompt Payment Message

As you know, the Attorney General has announced that the Government will introduce prompt payment legislation in spring 2017, as recommended under the Construction Lien Act Review Report. The voices of all Ontario construction-families have been heard. Prompt payment legislation will help trade contractors and suppliers to run businesses with more certainty, provide more competitive […]

OGMA Newsletter – December 2016

The OGMA held its fall tournament at the prestigious Country Club in Woodbridge at the end of September with over 100 members and guests coming out for an outstanding day on a renowned course followed by an exceptionally good dinner.  So impressed were all the attendees that the OGMA has already booked the same venue […]

I’ve Been Travelling

by Frank Fulton Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, December 2016 Issue Rambling man Another year has blown by and we’ll soon be looking at 2016 in the rear view mirror.  I’m still looking at the grass from above, so all in all, I don’t have much to complain about. After my rant about our […]

CSA A500-16 Building Guards

In 2012, the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued Supplementary Standard SB-13 in response to all the negative media coverage of glass falling from balconies. It was a stopgap measure hastily put in place to address an immediate issue. At the same time, the province asked the Canadian Standards Association to develop national […]

Ontario Construction Lien Act Review Released

For the past two years we’ve been discussing the need for trade payment terms being legislated and have kept you up to date through our bulletins and columns in Glass Canada magazine. The OGMA teamed up with Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO) as we considered this the best means of achieving this goal. The CLA Review […]

OGMA Newsletter – October 2016

Please see Frank Fulton’s “You Bet Your Glass” column for a full update on the prompt payment process. The Construction Lien Act review report is due to be released at the end of September. The OGMA will be meeting with Prompt Payment Ontario within days of the release of the report to determine next actions […]

Prompt Payment, Low Priority

by Frank Fulton Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, October 2016 Issue Way back in February, 2015, the Ontario government issued a press release stating “Ontario is launching an expert review of the Construction Lien Act that will include the examination of payment issues within the construction sector.” It went on to say that “strengthening […]

Status of Construction Lien Act Review Report

Message from Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO) to PPO members: On July 25, 2016, Ron Johnson, Jeff Koller, Ian Cunningham, and Sandra Skivsky from PPO met with David Phillips, Minister Naqvi’s new chief of staff, and Delia Greco at the offices of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. This was PPO’s second meeting with representatives […]