Update on 2021 Membership Dues

Update on 2021 Membership Dues

The year 2020 has been very difficult for many of us and it has been especially challenging for the OGMA. All of our events are geared towards physical attendance, which we were not able to do. Because of this, the OGMA will not be charging any dues in 2021 to companies that have paid their 2020 invoice. With the release of multiple vaccines, there is light at the end of the tunnel and we plan to resume events later in the year as soon as it is safe and practical to do so. We hope to see all of you in person this year and resume our role as the networking facilitator of our industry.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to wish you and your families a safe and happy new year.

– Andrew Dolphin, OGMA President

Passing of Joe Shapiro

It is with sadness that we bring the news of the passing of Joe Shapiro. Joe left us at the age of 97 on December 22, 2020. Joe was one of the pioneers, and one of the characters, in the glass business. He was a co-founder of Sealite Glass Ltd., with Fred Fulton in the late 1950s, one […]

And There He Was… Gone

Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, December 2020 Issue I’ve had the privilege of writing my You Bet Your Glass column for over a decade now and I’ve always considered it a great honour to be allowed to bring you my views on our industry. It has been a responsibility I have not taken lightly. I […]

It’s Time to Call it a Day

Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, October 2020 Issue In looking back, I’ve spent the better part of a lifetime in the glass and architectural metal industry. I was exposed to it at a very early age since my father, Fred Fulton, was one of the pioneers in the insulating glass industry in Canada and would […]

High Exposure Fenestration Installation

Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, August 2020 Issue To the casual observer, a window is just something you look through to see outside and there’s not a lot of thought given to it beyond that. For people involved in the application and installation of fenestration products however, there are a mind boggling number of intricate […]

Life’s New Reality

Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, June 2020 Issue For the past number of months it seems we’ve done nothing but lived and breathed the new reality of life, the COVID-19 reality. We’re probably in the midst of what will likely be the most historically significant event of our lifetimes. Future generations will be affected and […]

Prompt Payment Ontario – Ontario Construction Act – Trade Contractors Guide

As you are likely aware, the OGMA has been an active participant in the Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO) initiative for the past six years, where forty or so trade-related associations banded together to lobby for improvements in the laws, liens, payment terms, and arbitration process related to construction contracts. As a result, the legislation went […]

It’s All In Your Attitude

Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, April 2020 Issue Unlike Mr. Trump, I like to read.  I find myself checking the news feeds on my phone whenever there’s a break in the action and I must read at least a dozen news columns a day on a range of topics I’m interested in: Trudeau, all the […]

OGMA Newsletter – April 2020

SAD NEWS: It is with sadness that we bring the news of the passing of a long time contributor to our industry and to the OGMA. ARCHIE McINNES left us on January 21, 2020, following a lengthy struggle with deteriorating health. Archie grew up as the ninth kid in the family on a farm and only […]

How Safe Is Your Pension?

Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, February 2020 Issue I realize that accounting practices and pension management are not the spellbinding, on the edge of your seat topics you’re accustomed to reading in You Bet Your Glass, but there is a big unsettling bubble that has been building for years, is now on the verge of […]