OGMA Newsletter – December 2015

OGMA Newsletter – December 2015

The legal review of the Construction Lien Act is now well underway and an information package has been completed by the legal review group for distribution. The OGMA has teamed up with the Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO) group to represent our interests in bringing fair payment terms into law. PPO had its’ day at the table with the review group at the end of October.  Updates on the status of the review will be distributed as they become available.

The OGMA Fall Seminar has been delayed and will now take place on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2016 at 11:30 at the Richmond Hill Golf Club. Topics are to include an up-to-the-minute update on the status of the Ontario Construction Lien Act review, a question and answer period with a construction law expert, and an update on changes from the Ministry of Labour presented by Workplace Safety and Prevention Services.

The OGMA will once again be asking members to submit a presentation on a project they are particularly proud of, and would like to brag a bit about, for our Award of Excellence. Keep your eyes open for your submissions package and don’t be shy about blowing your own horn. Winners will be presented with a beautiful plaque that you’d be proud to display in your office at the Top Glass Conference on April 20, 2016.

If you are conducting business in the glass industry in Ontario, the OGMA is the voice that represents your interests at the provincial and federal level.   Protect your business interests by becoming a member or as an associate member if you are a consultant to the industry.  Please visit the ogma.ca for more information.

After a year of preparation, the safety manual is now ready for use by the metal and glass industry.  The manual was created by qualified health and safety professionals and is a timesaving tool enabling glass shops to establish their own company program. Not only will this support a company’s efforts to eliminate workplace injuries and illnesses, it will also lower costs and time related to WSIB claims. Additionally, the health and safety manual provides proof of compliance with the new OHSA Regulation 297/13.

– Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, December 2015 Issue.

Fred Fulton: Entrepreneur and Gentleman – Part I

by Frank Fulton Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, December 2015 Issue In past columns, I’ve written about some of the leaders and legends in our business, but it took a few years of cajoling before I could get my featured subject to agree to have his story shared with readers across Canada. Knowing him […]

Wired Glass Warning

To OGMA members, The Canadian Glass Association recently released a bulletin cautioning against the use of wired glass in human impact applications. Click here to download the bulletin best weightloss pills. Our building codes on this matter permitting the use of wired glass as a safety-rated product are quite antiquated but still legally apply. This […]

Update on Glass Supply Challenges

In March 2015, OGMA released a bulletin to its members to make them aware that glass supply was anticipated to become a challenge and more costly due to double-digit increases in demand in the United States, the reduction of glass production capacity in North America, an escalating U.S. dollar, and a severe shortage of transportation […]

OGMA/WSPS Health & Safety Policy Manual

With the constantly changing laws and regulations regarding workplace safety and workers health, a glazing contractor owner or manager cannot possibly stay up to date and in compliance without the assistance of a professional in this field. To address this province-wide industry need, the Ontario Glass & Metal Association teamed up with the Workplace Safety […]

A Chance for Change

by Frank Fulton Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, October 2015 Issue You may recall that in the June 2015 issue we discussed the press release from the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General where the law firm of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP had been appointed to conduct an expert review of the Construction Lien […]

OGMA Newsletter – October 2015

The legal review of the Construction Lien Act is now well underway and an information package has been completed by the legal review group for distribution. The outcome of this review could be the most important piece of legislation in decades and could make a huge difference in your ability to be paid for work. […]

Construction Lien Act Review: Prompt Payment Ontario Survey Deadline Extended

OGMA members, The deadline for completing the PPO survey has been extended by one week and is now due by no later than October 2. The response from the OGMA membership has been disappointing. I urge you to take the time to do the survey NOW. Your input will go a long way to improving […]

OGMA Newsletter – August 2015

The Ontario Attorney General has commissioned a review of the Construction Lien Act. The OGMA has approached the commission to present the concerns of our industry to the review panel. In addition, we have invested $10,000 with an organization of construction trade associations called Prompt Payment Ontario, which was formed for the sole purpose of […]

In the Stretch Run

by Frank Fulton Originally published in Glass Canada Magazine, August 2015 Issue It was a way back in February 2010 when I penned that hard hitting journalistic gem about our cronies expedition to Las Vegas to commemorate the 60th birthday of good, old Brian Wiles. You may recall the good natured banter about Brian and our trip […]